Fred Wallace, A Well That Keeps Flowing: The Power of Co-Counseling 
Drawing from his thirty years of experience as a cocounselor, author Fred Wallace begins by sharing his personal journey of growth and healing before turning to the core beliefs, principles, and practices of this time-tested self-improvement technique. At the heart of the process are the roles of self-counselor and cocounselor, through which practitioners find the power and safety to bring understanding and positive change to their lives.
ISBN-10: 0986223107 - ISBN-13: 978-0986223105
Verlag: Be Your Greatness 2015
John Heron, Co-Counselling Manual for Basic Training Courses 
Human Potential Research Project / Department of Adult Education
/ University of Surrey /Guildford GU2 5XH / England
University of Surrey 1979, revised edition 1998
John Heron, Catharsis in Human Development 
Human Potential Research Project / Department of Adult Education
/ University of Surrey /Guildford GU2 5XH / England
University of Surrey 1977, revised edition 1998
John Heron, Co-Counselling Teacher's Manual 
British PG Medical Federation
University of London 1977, revised edition 1998
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